The mission of this camp is for every camper who attends to have a fun and safe summer camp experience. Whether this is your first camp, or you’re a seasoned summer camping veteran, please read through these camp rules carefully. Signing the bottom means you agree to abide by all rules that have been laid out. We recommend campers and their parent/s take time to talk through these camp rules together. This will help you understand exactly what is expected so that you can be successful and have lots of fun at camp!
Listen to Your Counselor
Above all else, camp counselors are there to make sure all campers have a great experience, while they also look out for each camper’s health and safety. Following the rules and the counselors’ instructions will only enhance your camp experience. Campers agree to heed all counselors’ instructions and abide by all camp rules. If you have questions, you should address your concerns with your counselor sooner rather than later. Be honest. Don’t wait if you feel uncomfortable or are having issues at camp. Your counselor and the administrative staff are your advocates.
Camp Chores
- Keep your tent area and bedding tidy.
- Keep your clothes and belongings organized and in your backpack.
- Be responsible and clean up after yourself. You will be expected to be on cleaning teams and or serve teams.
- You will be expected to pick up trash and pitch-in when asked.
- There will also be times when you will have the opportunity to help with ranch chores. These chores may include feeding, watering or other light chores on the ranch.
We want everyone to have fun at all times but coming to camp also requires responsibility. Everyone must be responsible for themselves and help out with chores.
Tent Rules
Remove shoes before entering tent. Keep tent door closed AT ALL TIMES. For your safety, it is mandatory that you do not leave your tent at night. If you have to use the restroom, notify your tent leader. At that point your assigned buddy or tent leader must go with you.
Lights Out
All campers must go to bed at the same time. If one person stays up past “lights out”, unfortunately everyone in the cabin/tent will lose sleep. For this reason, it’s important to follow the “lights out” rule so everyone can rest up for the following day of activities. If you are prone to using the bathroom at night, please let your tent leader know. If you don’t have a set sleep schedule, we ask that you start a week or two before camp to get on a routine schedule of rising and going to bed early.
Buddy System
We require the buddy system at all times. Each camper will be teamed up with a friend at all times and assume responsibility for each other. Our campus is a big place and has both farm animals as well as wild animals nearby. Traveling in pairs provides more safety and accountability.
No Purple
A boy (blue) and a girl (red) are not permitted to be alone together at ANY time (purple). We believe in and value a high standard of purity, integrity and accountability. We want to ensure the utmost respect for every individual is upheld throughout camp.
We require campers to eat our provided three meals a day, at our scheduled mealtimes and drink adequate water. (Reminder: If not mentioned in the RSVP, please let us know if you have any allergies.)
In order to keep schedules tight and make sure everyone gets to shower, we encourage each person to shower in 3 minutes or less. If you’ve never tried this before, we recommend you practice at home before camp. You’ll be surprised how quick you can knock out the essentials. We ask that you hang your towel on the clothesline after your shower.
We require you to wear a clean pair of socks every day at camp. (Your tent buddies will be very grateful). With all of the camp activities, games, animals and the distance we will cover on the ranch… we recommend you leave valuables at home. (A suggested packing list will be sent out later.)
No Electronics
We have a no electronics policy during camp. We suggest leaving them at home. Alternatively, you may check them in with our counselors before camp and pick them up at the end of camp. If electronics are found in use, they will be immediately confiscated until the end of camp. If an emergency arises during camp, we will contact your emergency contact immediately.
Around the Ranch
For the safety of you and the animals on the ranch, we ask that you do not enter or open any gates/pens without a camp leader. It is mandatory that you stay with the group and participate in all activities, educational seminars, devotionals and meetings. If for some reason an issue arises that is insurmountable to overcome, please see a camp leader immediately.
Being Sent Home
If you repeatedly fail to follow our rules, guidelines or verbal warnings, you will be sent home immediately at your own expense. Parents must be committed to, at any time, take immediate action to retrieve their child if camp counselors deem it necessary.
Play Nice
Good attitudes are very important at camp. We are happy to pray with you if you are having a difficult time for whatever reason, but it’s key to remember: REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS and AGAIN I SAY REJOICE! Name calling, fighting, bullying, aggressive behavior and arguing are strictly prohibited at camp. If there is an issue, go to your camp leader immediately. Come to camp ready to take on new challenges, learn new things, make new friends and have a life changing experience!
Our rules are in place so everyone can have the best possible experience at camp. If you have any questions regarding the rules, please send us an email before you sign and submit the document. It’s important to have your full cooperation and understanding. I agree to abide by all the camp rules listed above.