About us

Our Vision:

A generation that is fueled by love, confident in their identity, connected with a community and burning with vision.

Our Mission:

To see transformation in the lives of youth by providing multi-day camps in Bly, Oregon where young people can experience life-changing connections, discover vision, and enjoy epic adventures that will have a long lasting, positive impact. To reach today’s youth and empower tomorrow’s leaders.

Strategic Goals


The teenage years are a critical window of vulnerability to harmful decisions –decisions that can affect an adolescent’s entire life. We believe that many young people are in need of direction, a sense of belonging and of positive role models. Our goal is to encourage healthy choices, thereby preventing potentially devastating consequences. We want to prevent young people from the disastrous effects of drugs, alcohol and other immoral behaviors.


The teenage years are a critical window of vulnerability to harmful decisions –decisions that can affect an adolescent’s entire life. We believe that many young people are in need of direction, a sense of belonging and of positive role models. Our goal is to encourage healthy choices, thereby preventing potentially devastating consequences. We want to prevent young people from the disastrous effects of drugs, alcohol and other immoral behaviors.


It is our goal to fully sponsor any youth that desires to attend camp but would be otherwise prevented due to economic limitations.

Raise awareness of the importance of camp and attractsponsors that have a heart to allow underprivileged youth to attend camp without charge.

Develop Team Skils

Abiding Youth Camp incorporates team building exercises in almost every aspect of camp. The purpose of team building activities is to motivate youth to work together, to develop their strengths, and to address their weaknesses. The team building exercises we provide encourage collaboration rather than competition.

Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture

An introduction to how food can be produced in a sustainable way, not having a negative impact on the land, and not compromising the ability of future generations to use the land in the same way.

The Abiding Youth Camp is located on an operational ranch where livestock are raised, and produce is grown sustainably. The youth will be given tours and allowed to interact with the animals and produce and will even partake in the harvest during mealtime!

Provide petting of select animals in a safe and controlled manner Provide tours of farming fields of groves of olive and fruit trees

Cast Vision

To expand the vision of youth to see beyond barriers and inspire dreams, aspirations and goals for their life. To see that they were created for so much more in this life.